The left-hand column of your Web space contains a list of your on-line albums. You can view an album by clicking on its name. The main part of the Web space shows thumbnail previews of each image in the album. Clicking on a thumbnail opens the fill-size image. Clicking on the Next and Previous links at the top of the page advances you from one image to the next.
In the left column of your Web space, you will also find controls that allow you to Log Out of your web space, or to edit its Title (the default title is My Albums). You can also see how much space you have used up on FotoFinish Net.
Information contained in the left navigation column
To change the size of your thumbnails, click on one of the thumbnail size controls in the upper right hand corner of your Web space.
Change the size of the Web thumbnails
Other controls at the top of the image let you invite friends to view your photos, or to delete an image or delete an entire album.
Invite Friends or Delete an Album with these controls